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How to Read a Book a Day

Some of these have ended up being a fav. Did you also know that you can get books for free too? Besides your public library, you can snag some free books by entering giveaways. Check Goodreads, swap books on Paperback Swap, and browse a public domain of ebooks and audiobook on Project Gutenberg. Whenever I’m about to finish a book I take a couple of minutes and select the next book to read. I then jump from one book into another immediately. Throughout this article I’ve shared some tips on building an inventory of future books in order to eliminate decision fatigue.

There’s no better superfood for your brain than a book. Otherwise stick to a gradual ingestion of caffeine when you start to really drag. Don’t drink something that has a bunch of sugar in it. A little sugar in your coffee for taste is okay, but some of the fancier drinks have a ton of sugar in them. Returning to my fast and furious analogy, keep the sugar out of your gas tank. Sugar will liven you up for a bit, but you’ll crash even harder when both the caffeine and sugar wear off.

Remembering What You Read

You’ll need a cup of water as well to wash the snack down and avoid dehydration. Let your family or housemates know you’re trying to focus on your reading. Kindly ask them not to distract or interrupt you. WikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 86% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. Eliminate one hour of television a day if you have to. The long-term benefits cannot be compared with the short-term pleasure of daily distractions.

Do whatever you have to do, but make sure it’s going to keep you active so that when you do come back to reading, you feel refreshed. Tip 5 is to split books up based on their page number and set yourself a goal to hit a certain number of pages each day. For example if you pick up a 200 page book you want to read every page of in the next five days dividing 200 by 5 gives you a daily page goal of 40 pages per day. For non-fiction once I have chosen a book that that is relevant to what I want to learn about I focus on the most relevant sections of that book. When opening a book, I’ll read the table of contents once and skim the text for a high-level overview. Then, I’ll read the first and last sections of the book with any other chapters of interest. Finally, I’ll focus on the chapter that interests me most, and read it closely.

How to Read More: The Simple System Im Using to Read 30+ Books Per Year

Let yourself be transported to the time and place described in the book. Imagine what you would do in the protagonist’s shoes. It could be self-improvement, better utilization of time, learning things, improving your career etc. She also notes that a lot of books have what you might call “boring parts” where the action drags.

If the boring book is mandatory, keep an open mind about it and you might end up liking it. Regression is the act of re-reading portions of the novel that you’ve already read. You can eliminate regression by using trackers and taking notes.Trackers will help you precisely follow a line of text. For instance, following a line of text with a pen or your finger as you read can help you maintain your position in the novel. Telling other people your intentions makes you more likely to follow through on them. Share your reading goal with a friend or family member.

Partake in reading challenges

Before starting to read a book (particularly non-fiction), skim through the index, contents page, preface, and inside the jacket to get an idea of the subject matter. (This article on how to read a book is a brilliant introduction how to read a book in a day to skimming.) The bibliography can also indicate the tone of a book. The best authors often read hundreds of books for each one they write, so a well-researched book should have a bibliography full of interesting texts.

An old teacher taught me a trick that really helps with this. When you read, become aware of the little voice inside your head that’s doing the reading. Grasp that voice, and turn it into the voice of someone else. It can be someone you know, a fictional how to read a book in a day character, or anyone whose voice holds your attention. Now keep on reading, but in that person’s voice. It will be a lot easier to pay attention. If you have to leave your ideal reading area for some reason, you don’t have to stop reading.

Learn something new every week

Daily Rituals is a good book to start with, because it has lots of small sections. Dangerous Liaisons, if you prefer fiction. To start, just pick a page in the book and start reading. Remember, you have to eliminate any friction that makes you think a book is too big of an investment. “Bad habits are hard to break. But, you can hijack your habits to turn those bad habits into good ones” writes Design for Hackers author David Kadavy. “Habits begin with a Trigger, which then leads to an Action, which then leads to a Reward. Over time, you build your Investment. The cycle repeats.” Joining a book club is another way to motivate you into reading more.

  1. This might even help me prepare for a test of a story so I can reread it in one day.
  2. N your phone, keep a list of the books you’d like to read.
  3. I fell asleep during class the next day but it was worth it.
  4. Anything longer and you won’t remember jack about the plot or characters the next day.
  5. And if you want to learn from a non-fiction book, it requires you to be fully present and engaged.
  6. I’m happy to lay out a few possibilities here on how to read more and remember it all, and I’d love to hear your thoughts below.
  7. Set aside at least an hour to read, and only to read.

I was simply reading interesting ideas that were pushed in front of me. Read on something that doesn’t do anything else.

Become a Better Reader in 12 Minutes

Decision fatigue is an actual thing that can prevent you from being productive and adopting habits like reading. When you don’t travel, make it a point to read right before you go to bed. Use this choice as opposed to watching TV or browsing your social channels. Not only will you read more, you’ll also sleep better. This strategy may not work for everyone, but I have several different books in different locations.

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